The Rotary Club of Orlando Foundation is pleased to offer two-year full tuition scholarships to Valencia State College beginning for the fall 2025 semester.
Applicants to the Rotary Club of Orlando Foundation Scholarship must:
Be a U.S. Citizen or be a U.S. lawful permanent resident
Be a high school senior graduating at the end of the 2023-2024 school year
Have a minimum GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale
Show financial need as evidenced by FAFSA or SAR
Exhibit strong student involvement, involvement in community organizations or having a job while going to school, including family care responsibilities
Plan to enroll at Valencia State College entering fall of the 2025-2026 academic year

Required Documents
Complete Application including essays
Complete transcript of high school grades as of the second quarter
Provide a copy of your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application or Student Report (SAR) as part of the Federal Pell Grant Program or University financial aid application form or a reward letter from either program
Copy of submitted application to Valencia State College for the fall 2025 semester and acceptance letter.
Three letters of recommendation from community organizations, employers, coaches or school personnel, no more than two from school.
Your application is not considered complete and will not be reviewed unless all required documents are submitted by the application deadline.
Must be able to attend two Rotary Club of Orlando luncheons per year to give updates on your college experience.
Students whose tuition is paid for in full with an athletic scholarship are not eligible per NCAA rules.
Students whose tuition fees are paid in full by any sponsoring agency, employment or government program are not eligible.
The awards granted will be for tuition and paid directly to Valencia State College.
Scholarship awards are renewable for four semesters with continuous enrollment at Valencia State College providing the student meets the following criteria:
Must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale
Must maintain and pass a minimum of 12 credit hours of undergraduate study per semester
Attend two Rotary Club of Orlando meetings per year
At the end of the first award year, students must submit the following materials:
Resume or Report of Activities to include hours worked at any jobs, any community or extracurricular involvement, any leadership positions held and any honors received
Copy of transcript from Valencia State College
Selection of Recipients
Scholarship recipients will be selected on the basis of academic record, demonstrated leadership, participation in school and community activities, honors, work experience, essays, recommendations, and unusual personal or family circumstances.
Financial need as determined by the FAFSA or SAR must be demonstrated for the student to receive an award. Selection of recipients is at the sole discretion of the Rotary Club of Orlando Foundation Board of Directors, which will accept recommendations from its scholarship review committee.
Applicants receiving an award will be notified by mail or email by May 9, 2025. Not all applicants to the program will be selected as recipients.
Payment of Scholarship
Rotary Club of Orlando Foundation will make payment in August 2025 and January 2026 directly to Valencia State College to cover the cost of tuition for a maximum of 15 credit hours per semester. If scholarship renewal information is received, total value of the scholarship not to exceed the cost of tuition for 60 credit hours.
Applications are also available at www.rotarycluboforlando.org/scholarships where you will find the online application.
This is the only form that will be accepted. All letters and other documents must be uploaded to this form. No other form of application will be accepted.
Applications must be submitted by April 15, 2025
Please note: Black out Social Security Numbers and/or Resident ID numbers from any documents.