Our 2023-2024 Accomplishments
Through collaboration between our Foundation and club, we endeavor to raise funds to bolster the club's charitable initiatives and our own endeavors. Below is a recap of activities which represent almost $100,000 in financial contributions.
Four grants to community organizations
Ten full tuition scholarships to Valencia State College. (Scholarship applications details can be found here.)
Scholarships for five students to attend Rotary Youth Leadership Awards
Support of a college Rotaract Club at Barry School of Law
Support of an Interact Club at Boone High
Sponsored Book Fairs at six Title one elementary schools Supported Food Pantries at the six Title One schools
Finally, a major donation To The Salvation Army made possible the purchase of a shower/restroom trailer for disaster and emergency relief efforts.

Our Major Fund Raisers

President Sandra Woodall
President-Elect David Rose
Secretary Theodora Venema
Susan Gardner 23-25
Ron Tyo 23-25
Jerry Gay 24-26
Stewart Marshall 24-26
Ex Officer Directors
RCO President Dan Bone
RCO President-elect Chris Wallace
RCO Past President Chris Whitney
RCO Treasurer Jason Frazier