Students Served
21 Classrooms
Serving 2,000 students.
$142,000 spent over 20 years
Rotary Club Builds Classrooms in Kenya
The Rotary Club of Orlando has made a difference around the world, and our African school project is living proof.
Since July 2001 our club has worked to build classrooms to help improve the education of children in rural Africa. Our first effort was to construct a two-room classroom near Amboseli NP, Kenya with the help of Patrick Papatiti in February 2002. When dedicated, 43 students were enrolled.
The next nineteen schools were built in the Loita Hills of central Kenya with the help of Wilson Lolpapit, a Lotia elder. The small village of Ilkujuka was the site of the 3rd classroom. During the next four years additional classrooms were constructed in Mausa, Iltumarro, Osinantei, Oltarakuai. and a second one Ilkujuka and a 2nd classroom in Ilkujuka. Cost of a school is $9,000 to build a 20’ x 25’ stone structure with concrete floor and corrugated metal roof. Construction also continued in 2008 with new classroom in Oldonyo and a third classroom at Ilkujuka.
Since 2010,The club has built a classroom every year plus additional two additional ones in 2015 and 2019 in the Loita Hills of central Kenya. During 2008-2010, our Rotary Club also provided scholarships totaling $6,000 for students to attend high school and vocational school.
Through the leadership of The Rotary Club of Orlando and the combined support of numerous local foundations and other Rotary Clubs over the last 20 years over 2,000 children in Kenya have attend the 21 classrooms built with $142,275 of funds generated by the club.
Yes, local Rotary Clubs and the vision of one club member can make a difference to people thousands of miles away…that’s the beauty of Rotary. Join us as we work to serve people at home and far away.

Program Chair, Jon Stine